2010年4月28日 星期三

焗粉紅醬義大利麵 & 義大利海鮮湯

粉紅醬是我自己取的名稱,因為是用紅醬(tomato sauce)加白醬(cheese sauce)拌在一起,不就成了粉紅色嗎?!真正名稱是Rotini Casserole,做法是將義大利麵煮熟與醬拌勻,灑上cheese送進烤箱,烤到金黃,而海鮮湯則是先將洋蔥炒香,放入新鮮番茄塊,再加入蝦子,透抽,略炒,接著放入番茄罐頭,雞高湯,月桂葉,最後放入魚片,干貝,調味,最後加點黑胡椒及basil.
Rotini Casserole ..做法
Tomato sauce                                   250ml tomatoes
25ml butter                                       15ml fresh parsley
1 clove garlic,crushed                        1ml oregano and basil
100ml chopped onion
salt & pepper
1.melt butter in saucepan over medium heat and saute onion and garlic until onion is softened.
2.add other ingredients and simmer 15 minutes or until thick.
Cheese sauce
25ml butter                                                 1ml salt
 25ml flour                                                   175 milk                                                 
125ml grated mozzarella cheese
1.melt butter in saucepan over medium heat.
2.stir in flour and cook one minute.
3.gradually add milk, stirring constantly, cook until thickened,stiring constantly.
4.turn heat off,add salt and cheese,stir until cheese has melted.
